Friday Fill-Ins ~ Throw Poo at the Birthday Girl!


And…here we go!

1. When I look to the left, I see the huge, towering, and very intimidating Mt. TBR bookshelf that has been filled, books two-deep, until there is no empty space left and bottom shelf has collapsed beyond repair.

2. My bedroom is the room that has the best view in my home. That’s where my internet connection is, and my “view” to the WorldWideWeb is there 😉

3. Let it work or I’ll grab a hammer and MAKE IT WORK!

4. Gardening is done dirt cheap! and I am soOOoo dying to get into the garden again! It frickin’ snowed today 😯

5. Seeking out the ingredients for the perfect ice cream is a responsibility that all qualified citizens must share.

6. If you have any POO feel free to fling it NOW! sorry, ever since the chimps in Madagascar, we actually say this line around here… randomly… without regard to company… or location.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to having a night ALONE since the kids will be at a friend’s sleepover b-day party I have not had my house to myself since Christmas!, tomorrow my plans include checking out the library’s book sale even though I don’t really have any money to buy books, and Sunday, I want to have finished Derailed and start The Book Thief!

13 Responses

  1. hahaha LOVE the title 🙂

  2. LOL! I wanna fling POO! <–totally joking there! But I would like to find the ingredients for the perfect ice cream!

    Happy Weekend 🙂

  3. You are funny!

  4. Yep, great title! I want to work in the garden too and ice cream is the best! Enjoy your time alone. I’ve been wanting to read those books too. Oh, and I’m a leftie! TGIF! 🙂

  5. Wish I could come and borrow some of your books and lighten up that bookcase a bit. Have a good weekend.

  6. Oooo, I’m curious as to what flavour the perfect ice cream is.

  7. LOL at #6!

    Have a great weekend!

  8. Oh, I just love your answers to #1 & 2!
    Do you have a picture of that bookshelf? I haven’t managed to wreck mine yet, but I’m lucky to get two more bookshelves soon. Otherwise I’m sure at least one of my bookshelves would give up soon LOL

    My Friday Fill-in is here, btw…

  9. Hahaha, I love the Madagascar reference.
    I’m impressed that you’re willing to grab a hammer and make it work, pretty crafty.
    I loved Derailed.
    Happy Friday the 13th :o)

  10. 🙂 I want to get in the garden this weekend, too.

  11. We garden at my house too, I’m just waiting for the tiller guy to come over & start me up as he never got to me last fall.
    enjoy your weekend, especially the alone time, other than 5-6 hours on my day off before the kids come home from school, it seems as though I’m never alone either!

  12. Thanks for the giggle. I was so ready for today to be Saturday that I was bummed to have to come in to work. 🙂

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