Free Books and an Award, WINNING ROCKS!

You are a winner!!!!


Who doesn’t want to hear those four words?  I’ve been hearing them a lot in the last couple weeks and I’ve gotten behind a bit on sharing it, not to mention I have the Great Goblins! Giveaway winner to announce!

First, I’ve got a funny story to tell…  It would seem that it has been decided by the book gods that I MUST read The Girl Who Stopped Swimming by Joshilyn Jackson, because I’ve won it three times now in three different blog giveaways of it (I only accepted the first one and asked the other two to draw another name so someone else could enjoy it 🙂 )  Thank you Joystory, Fresh Ink Books, and Gramma’s Reads for  hosting these giveaways 🙂

The latest book giveaway that I won was for Shanghai Girls by Lisa See from Devourer of Books.  I have both Peony In Love and Snow Flower and the Secret Fan, but haven’t gotten to them as yet, and I think I’m waiting to just have a big Asian book read-a-thon or something… lol.  Thanks Jen!

One book that I was uber-geeked out about since I first saw it’s banner in Shelf Awareness, then saw the website and trailer for it, is BoneMan’s Daughter by Ted Dekker.  So I was doing the happy dance when The Literate Housewife announced she was hosting a giveaway for the book.  When I saw my name as one of the winners, I actually screamed with joy… Missy, my little rat terrier, came running to see if her mommy was okay, even.  Thank you, Jennifer! 😀

AND I’d like to say THANKS! to texasheartland of Texas Banter Book Reviews for giving me this lovely award:

The Literary Blogger Award

Here are the details of this award:

1) Put the logo on your blog/post.
2) Nominate up to 9 blogs which make you feel comfy or warm inside.
3) Be sure to link to your nominees within your post.
4) Let them know that they have been nominated by commenting on their blog.
5) Remember to link to the person from whom you received your award.

Okay…. comfy and warm inside?  Well… I’d say winning books there makes me feel warm and comfy inside, so all the afore mention bloggers are 5 of my nominees, and for the other 4 of the “up to nine” I’m going to stretch a little 🙂

  • Lost In Books – great blog and great Twit 😀 (which is not an insult, 😉 )
  • Must Read Faster – relatively new blogger, just a month since she popped her blog’s cherry 🙂  She is learning fast, reading fast, and tweeting fast 🙂
  • Wrighty Reads – a LibraryThing friend, fellow Zombie Chicken blogger, and, most importantly, fellow left-hander!  YaY! for LEFTIES!
  • Books and Movies –  Carrie’s Blogroll is a directory of the best blogs in the blogosphere 🙂  (and yes, Mt. TBR is on it 😉 )


And now for the Great Goblin! Giveaway winner…

I cannot tell y’all how much fun, absolute and plain FUN, I had reading Goblins!  And I was happy that there were so many entries to win it… if only I had a copy for everyone who entered!  But, alas… I only have one to give away.  And the winner of that copy is….

Carrie K.


There are two more book giveaways coming soon, one for The Triumph of Deborah by Eva Etzioni-Halevy and one for The 19th Wife by David Ebershoff, so keep an eye out for those announcements!

Thanks to everyone who visits Mt. TBR, to my fellow LTers, BookMoochers, PBS’ers and Tweeps.  Y’all make reading and blogging so much fun!

MWAH!! Thank ya!

MWAH!! Big Kisses of THANKS!


8 Responses

  1. Aww goodness! You know how to make a girl blush! Thank you for the award! 🙂

  2. Thank you so much – for the award, and the book! You are so sweet. 🙂

  3. Congratulations on the award and the wins. And thank you so much, that is a lovely award.

  4. Congratulations on the awards and your giveaway wins! I just won The Girl That Stopped Swimming from Jaime at Confessions of a Bibliophile! I am excited to get it!

    Thank you SO much for thinking of me for this award. I haven’t received this one before and that makes it doubly special! You rock!

  5. Oh gosh, I had a great aunt that looked a whole lot like that kissing bandit on your post and I just had flahbacks! Ick. She was a kisser too.

    Congrats on all of your books and awards. You are very deserving! Thanks so much for passing one on to me too. I’m so honored! (Lefties rule!)

    I can’t wait to read Goblins! too. It sounds like fun. When you get the chance look in Shanghai Girls, in the acknowledgments page 314, second paragraph for my name, Debbie Wright (yep that’s me and I’ve been telling the whole world for months!) A group of us were in an online reading group with Lisa See last year and we were talking about ideas for her new book too. She thanked us all by putting our names in it. That’s my brush with fame and I’m bragging about it!

  6. You’ve won a lot of great books. I’m sure you’ll enjoy them all. Congratulations Carrie and congratulations to you too for the award!!!

  7. Thank you so much for this award! I’m so glad that you were so excited. I can’t wait to read you review when you’ve finished reading Boneman’s Daughters!

  8. Thanks so much for the award! It’s so nice to be recognized….

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