FFI ~ Kittens and Dead Bodies? Back Through the Stargate, Everybody!


1. The lesson I learned yesterday was reading a book with your ten-year-old while the new(ish) kitten is diving under the covers and attacking your feet is NOT easy, and very hard to talk over the giggling.

2. Weddings and funerals are where friends and family meet.

3. All these years I’ve looked forward to the kids growing up, and now that they’ve become interested in boys, I’m wishing they could be little again.

4. Like I told the cops, those bodies were like that when I arrived.

5. The truth is I was enjoying the Kyo the kittens play-time as much as Maggie was.

6. The feeling I could’ve died had it not been for the zip line is what I remember most from that day. (I went repelling, and I let go of the hand-loops, but luckily I was also hooked up via a clip, as well)

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to finishing up Charlie and the Chocolate Factory with Maggie and Kyo, tomorrow my plans include our trip to the library and lunch, and watching The Seeker with Mags and maybe starting James and the Giant Peach with her and Sunday, I want to have finished Islands Apart, which I’ve been really enjoying, and watching a few episodes of Stargate!

Check out more Friday Fill-Ins here!

BTW, I’m a little frightened of the fact that when I went and added “dead bodies” to the tags, I had already used that before 😮

9 Responses

  1. hahaha dead bodies 😉 Thanks for playing!

  2. Great fill-in. I can picture the kitten playing at your feet.

  3. Nice list. Have a great weekend 🙂

  4. Sounds like you’ve got a great weekend planned. Enjoy! (Love that Stargate! )

  5. Brave you with anything involving “zip line” and “I could have died.”

    happy weekend 😀

  6. I loved your answers to 2, 3 and 4. It’s always good seeing something a little different from the ordinary. Happy FFI. 🙂

  7. Yay! So glad to “see” you again! I haven’t done this in awhile and I’m still behind from the holidays. (Who am I kidding, I’ve always been behind!) I’m trying to get back in the swing of things again.

    You always have the very best answers and sense of humor. Dead bodies, kittens and kids – yep, that sounds good to me! I adore Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and I really miss reading to my own kids. I think I enjoyed it more than they did. Now at the ages of 21. 19 and 16 they aren’t too thrilled about listening to those stories anymore. Enjoy it, the time goes so very fast! 🙂

  8. Speaking about kittens, mine did something so cute today. She keeped jumping around trying to chase a fly and eventually got dizzy and started walking funny. I wish I video taped it because it was the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.

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