DRUMROLL please….. The WINNER is…

Thanks to everyone who entered My First Ever Giveaway!!  The response was overwhelming!  Here are a few STATS:

There were 265 unique entries.  These are the official entries posted in the comment section on the contest announcement. 
We had a total of 732 combined entries. That includes the entries on the original post, plus the extras such as posting on the link your own blog and commenting on other Mt TBR posts.
On the first day of My First Ever Giveaway!! there were 395 views on Mt. TBR, my busiest day previously had been 130 visits. And BLESS Ya’! Many of you have stayed 😀
My First Ever Giveaway!! had a total of 1.142 visits… Wow!

Now, for the part y’all came here for: THE WINNER IS…

All entries were entered randomly onto a spreadsheet, then I input the number range, 1 through 732, at Research Randomizer and the following people have won:

The Grand Prize package is the $20 Borders gift card and, because we had over 700 entries, the winner will also receive a copy of Dogs Do the Silliest Things, a delightful little book with funny and sweet pictures of dogs and fun quotes like

Outside a dog, a book is man’s best friend. Inside of a dog, it’s too dark to read. -Groucho Marx

on the opposite page. And the Grand Prize winner is: M at The True Confessions of a Book Lover Named M!


Winners of the $10 Borders gift cards are:
Jessica, email ID jessleighj
Dawn, email ID dawn.rennert

and the winners of the $5 Borders gift cards are:
Suey at It’s All About the Books
judy brittle

Congratulations to all the winners, you have 48 hours to email your address so I can send you your prize!

For those of you who didn’t win, don’t FRET! I’m giving away a signed copy of Mishka: An Adoption Tale, an touching children’s book about love, family and home told from the point of view of Mo the Bear. Enter to WIN! I will be giving away more books as well, so make sure to visit often 😉