Friday Fill-Ins ~ Freud Easter Bunny for the Jung!

Last week, Anonymous left this comment: “*sighs* The last two of these have sucked royally…I love this thing, but now I’m having to go back in the archives and find ones that aren’t totally ridiculous and moronic…”. This week, I’m dedicating #1 to Anonymous 🙂

And…here we go!

1. Anonymous…was the nom de plume my best friend in high school used for note-passing (it was actually Anon A. Mouse, complete with a little masked mouse drawing), and mine was Edward R. Moon-ye (my signature artwork was of a man bent over, trouser’s down) .

2. Happy Tree Friends is a sick and twisted web-show cartoon(and that’s why I love it! 😉 )

3. Let me embrace thee, sour adversity, but I’d prefer to suck a sour gummy worm.

4. Seeing all the baby leaves and new flowers and planting my garden with Maggie are some of what I look forward to most about Spring.

5. Who needs therapy when one of the voices is Sigmund Freud and another is Carl Jung. (If only the committee would stop repressing my creativity, I might be able to slip into unconsciousness 😀 )

6. Fried and fricasseed rabbit MUST go into the Easter Basket! (If you can’t find a rabbit, the neighbor’s cat will do 😉  )

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to finishing up A Wrinkle in Time… finally… I’ve only been trying to finish it since fifth grade!, tomorrow my plans include taking the kids to a friend’s church Easter party and egg hunt and Sunday, I want to wish everyone a Happy Easter!

Happy Easter to those that celebrate it!

Happy Easter to all my PeePs!