BTT ~ Next Stop, Fantasyland!

Booking Through Thursday

One of my favorite sci-fi authors (Sharon Lee) has declared June 23rd Fantasy and Science Fiction Writers Day.

As she puts it:

So! In my Official Capacity as a writer of science fiction and fantasy, I hereby proclaim June 23 Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers Day! A day of celebration and wonder! A day for all of us readers of science fiction and fantasy to reach out and say thank you to our favorite writers. A day, perhaps, to blog about our favorite sf/f writers. A day to reflect upon how written science fiction and fantasy has changed your life.

So … what might you do on the 23rd to celebrate? Do you even read fantasy/sci-fi? Why? Why not?

Well, actually, June 24th is my middle daughter’s birthday, so I’d imagine I’ll be busy shopping around for the cake and dinner and presents.  That is also a Tueday… not that that means anything, just that the 23rd’s a Tuesday.

As to whether I read sci-fi and fantasy, heck yeah I read it!  It’s really cool to see what bends, twists and detours the human imagination can take.  I’m forced to deal with reality on a daily basis, so it’s nice to escape from it in a good book.  Some of my favorite authors of this genre are Neil Gaiman, Ray Bradbury, and others for whom I’m drawing a blank… but they’re great!  lol…

I have H. P. Lovecraft on Mt. TBR, as well as several Richard Matheson books.

23 Responses

  1. I love fantasy, but I rarely read sci-fi.

    Happy birthday to your daughter! 🙂

  2. hmmm…Neil Gaiman. You know I always want to read a novel by him and I want to start with Coraline, I don’t know why. I went to the bookstore to see if I can find it. There were quite a few but no Coraline and I refuse to buy any other book unless I read that one. I’m wierd like that.

    I’ve read a bit of Fragile things, but thats a short story collection, it doesn’t count 🙂

  3. First…Happy Early Birthday to your daughter! 🙂

    I haven’t read any books you mention here, but I bet it sure was great book 🙂

    Happy Thursday!

  4. I love fantasy! I think it’s awesome. I have never read any Lovecraft, though. Tried but just can’t get into it.

  5. I mostly read to escape reality too. Fantasy is great for that.

  6. I love fantasy and sci-fi too :), those books can make my brain works harder

  7. I love Gaiman, Bradbury, and Lovecraft. The only Matheson I’ve read was “I am Legend,” but I enjoyed it. Gaiman is definitely one of the modern masters of fantasy and speculative fiction.

  8. I want to celebrate by reading or reviewing a book in one of the two genres that day.

  9. I read very little sci-fi and fantasy, so Tuesday will be just another day for me.

  10. I read it those genres, too. Not alot, but I do read them.

  11. I have been reading Neil Gaiman’s Sandman series lately and am loving it. Great post!

  12. I need to revisit Fahrenheit 451.

  13. Oh yeah! I’m all over this day. Here is mine

  14. I like to read to escape too but a book like ‘The Ruins’ is just to much for me. I enjoyed your post. Happy BTT

  15. Everybody needs to visit, or revisit Fahrenheit 451!

  16. Happy birthday to your daughter! Also, I love “Mt. TBR” as a turn of phrase! My BTT is here

  17. I love escaping into a fantasy novel. I do need to read more in the way of Sci Fi. It’s been awhile since I dabbled in that particular genre. I hope your daughter has a great birthday.

  18. I’m also a Gaiman fan. Thought this was an interesting question once I discovered that I read much more fantasy than I thought. Happy reading!

  19. Neil Gaiman is <3. Happy birthday to your daughter! 😀

  20. I’m also a Gaiman fan although I prefer the Sandman comics to his books. Matheson’s I am Legend was very good.

    Happy birthday to your daughter!

  21. Yes, Richard Matheson. I’ve got a huge list of his books and stories I want to read, but so far I haven’t gotten around to any of them. Hope everyone has a great time at the birthday celebration.

  22. I enjoy Sci fi as it allows all other genres to be part of it. An interesting genre.

  23. I read a collection of Lovecraft’s stories last year- creepy, but really good.

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